Energetic Offerings

All offerings are available online (except reiki) or in-person at South River Art Studios & Echo Contemporary Art but also open to special requests.


Palm Reading

The hands have different forms, from the palms, fingers, & fingerprint patterns (whorls, arches, & loops). Chirognomy is the study of the patterns in hands, in its relation to personality. Hands are a map to our lives; readers combine their study & intuition to form a clear image of your life journey.


Card Reading

Psychologist Carl Jung described the archetypes as representing images & patterns of the collective unconscious; working with archetype cards brings these patterns to our attention. During a reading you might see a blindspot in your day-to-day life, gain insight into a problem, or see which energy you need to embody on your journey.



A session begins with relaxing on a massage table while remaining conscious & aware at all times. We will work together to create an intention & bring a healing energy to the space. The session may bring up subconscious patterns at play, connect you to the root issue, or it can open the flow of energy within one’s body to freely move through an energetic or creative block.



An inviting space connecting you with other individuals on a similar journey; once every season, for one day. Keep updated on these opportunities by joining the newsletter at the bottom of the page!

To those interested in participating in the winter gathering, visit the Contact Page to receive an invitation! Send us an inquiy about it!